Policies & Resources
Prescott Russell Basketball Club (PRBC) is a member of Ontario Basketball (OBA) and therefore must follow and adhere to all OBA policies and procedures. All members of PRBC must be familiar with these OBA policies and procedures that can be found online at: https://basketball.on.ca/about-us/policies-and-procedures.
OBA Policies & Procedures
Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct (The purpose of this Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct is to increase education and awareness for coaches, parents/guardians, players, officials, managers and other team or club members on the signs and symptoms of concussion and the specific protocols for managing concussion in Ontario Basketball (OBA) sanctioned activities. This Concussion Policy and Code of Conduct aims to 1) ensure that players with a suspected concussion are removed-from-sport and seek medical assessment and 2) all players with a suspected and/or diagnosed concussion do not participate in OBA sanctioned activities before medically cleared to return to basketball.
Fair Play Policy (Outlining the roles and responsibilities of Ontario Basketball’s Fair Play & Resolution Committee members.
Harassment Policy (Committed to providing a sport and work environment which promotes equal opportunities and prohibits discriminatory practices.
Zero Tolerance Policy (Abuse of Referees, Minor Officials and OBA Officials/Site Supervisor)
Transfer Policy (To promote commitment and respect among players, coaches and teams, and to uphold the values of equity, opportunity and accountability for OBA members.)
Insurance Policy We offer general liability insurance and accident insurance for all sanctioned OBA games and practices. If a player or spectator gets hurt, you're protected. If there's property damage at an event, we've got you covered. If something happens at a training camp you've organized, it's insured. We even offer travel insurance when your teams are on the road.
Out of Province/Country Travel Policy This Policy ensures that Ontario Basketball (OBA) member clubs are aware of all their rep teams who are traveling outside the province to competitions (i.e. tournaments) and other basketball-related events to ensure that they have adequate insurance coverage.
prbc Policies & Procedures
PRBC is committed to implementing reasonably appropriate screening of all it's volunteers directly connected to the Club's participants, with a view to better matching people’s skills and experiences to relevant needs and opportunities; to improving the quality and safety of programs and services, and to reduce risk and potential liability.
- Appropriate Interview, Training and Evaluation conducted
- References will be contacted (2-3)
- Police Records Checks (Vulnerable Sector) are required every two (2) years
PRBC Constitution 2020 0630 (Active)
PRBC Ops & Regs v2020 09 (Active)
EOBA Team Registrations (What teams have or are registering for your age category)
OBA Rules & Regulations v2019 09
OBA Tournament Search (What tournaments within the province of Ontario are available and sanctioned by the OBA. NOTE: Your insurance will not be valid for unsanctioned tournaments).
OBA Championships (Location of Ontario Cup)
All the skills and drills you can imagine: Hoops Playbook, by Eric Johanssen, Technical Director, Nepean Blue Devils: http://hoopsplaybook.ca/